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(07)4775 4112
Our Policies
The centre has in place policies and procedures in relation to the matters such as health and safety; incident, injury, trauma and illness; infectious diseases; medical conditions in children; emergency and evacuation; delivery of children to, and collection of children from the centre; excursions; providing a child safe environment; staffing; interactions with children; enrolment and orientation; governance and management including confidentiality of records; payment of fees and provision of fees charged by the education and care service; dealing with complaints.
Policies include:
001 Access Non-Residential Parent.
002 Administration of Medication.
003 Arrival & Departure.
004 Biting.
005 Bullying.
006 Protective Care.
007 Social Behaviour Policy.
008 Confidentiality.
009 Death or serious injury of a child.
010 Dental Health Policy.
011 Diversity, Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Employment.
012 First Aid & Medical Treatment for - Incident, Injury, Trauma and illness.
013 Emergencies and Evacuation.
014 Excursions.
015 General Safety Practices.
016 Grievances (Parent).
017 Grievance (Staff).
018 Hand washing.
019 Health & Hygiene (Cleanliness).
020 Health & Hygiene (Facilities and Equipment).
021 Health & Hygiene (Nutrition and Food Handling).
022 Infection Control
023 Multiculturalism, diversity and inclusion.
024 New Families.
025 Communication.
026 Parent participation.
027 Participation of volunteers and students.
028 Personnel
029 Photos and recordings policy.
030 Positive behaviour management.
031 Priority of allocating places in child care services.
032 Comfort toys.
033 Sleep and rest policy.
036 Security and lock down.
035 Spills, blood and body fluids.
036 Staff dismissal
037 Immunisation.
038 Staff personal and professional development.
039 Suitable clothing.
040 Sun smart policy.
041 Supervision.
042 Fitness for work.
043 Harassment.
044 Leave.
045 Smoking and clean air.
046 Water play.
047 Daily program.
048 Mobile phone policy.
049 Chemical use and storage.
050 Allergic and anaphylactic reactions.
051 Harmful plants.
052 Asthma.
053 Fees.